Hello! Today is a holiday, so I am posting a lot.
Immediately, do you know where the hot springs are when you hear Tsukasaki Onsen?
“That” is a famous hot spring! The hint is 〇〇 hot spring, which is famous for its tower gate!

わかりましたか? 正解は、武雄温泉です!
Did you understand? It was the correct answer is Takeo Onsen!
武雄温泉(柄崎温泉)について【About Takeo Onsen (Tsukasaki Onsen)】
By the way, why is Takeo Onsen called Tsukasaki Onsen?
Let’s go back about 1200 years to find the answer.
According to legend, when Empress Jingu struck a rock with the handle of a sword during the triumphal return from the Sankan subjugation, it was said that hot springs immediately sprang up. It was called Tsukasaki Onsen.
Sankan subjugation: A war in which Empress Jingu sent troops to Silla and placed Silla, Baekje, and Goguryeo (Sankan) under his control.
Takeo Onsen is famous for its red-painted tower gate like Ryugu Castle, and the architect Tatsuno Kingo, who designed Tokyo Station, also designed Takeo Onsen.
In fact, there is a surprising connection between Tokyo Station and Takeo Onsen.
12干支のうち、8干支のレリーフが東京駅にあるが…残りの4干支は?【Of the 12 zodiac signs, 8 zodiac reliefs are at Tokyo Station … What are the remaining 4 zodiac signs?】
On the dome ceiling of the Marunouchi station building of Tokyo Station, there are reliefs of 8 of the 12 zodiac signs in every corner of the octagon.However, many people may wonder, “Where have the remaining four zodiac signs gone?”
The answer was about 1000km away.
The four zodiac signs of “rats, rabbits, horses, and birds” that are not at Tokyo Station
I was on the ceiling of Takeo Onsen Romon!!
佐賀・武雄温泉の「4干支」を目撃!東京駅と楼門のミステリアスな関係とは より引用
It seems that there was a debate about why there are four zodiac signs at the tower gate of Takeo Onsen, but in the end there was no clear answer, and even experts seemed to have settled down with the conclusion, “Isn’t it the playfulness of an architect?”
武雄温泉の泉質・特徴【Takeo Onsen spring quality and characteristics】
The quality of the spring is a weak alkaline simple spring that contains various ingredients, and it has excellent moisturizing properties and is said to have been called “Bijin no Yu” for a long time because it blends well with the skin and moisturizes it.
Takeo Onsen has two baths, “hot water” which is extremely hot at 45-44 ° C and “warm water” which is hotter than the optimum temperature at 43-42 ° C.
I also took a bath when I went on a trip, but the limit for “hot water” was 30 seconds. “Nuruyu” was not lukewarm, and it was quite hot.Personally, I like hot water, so I was able to take a bath at Takeo Onsen very comfortably.
Takeo Onsen Motoyu is said to have been built in the 9th year of the Meiji era and is considered to be the “oldest” public bath in Japan.
Why don’t you visit Takeo Onsen, which is full of fascination?
武雄温泉の詳細データ【Detailed data of Takeo Onsen】
名称 name | 武雄温泉元湯(たけおおんせんもとゆ) Takeo onsen motoyu |
所在 location | 佐賀県武雄市武雄町武雄7425 7425 Takeo, Takeo Town, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. |
入浴料金 Bathing fee | 大人450円、小人(3才~小学生)220円 Adult 450 yen Children (3 years old to elementary school students) 220 yen. |
アクセス access | JR武雄温泉駅から徒歩10分、長崎自動車道武雄北方ICから約5km 10 minutes walk from JR Takeo Onsen Station, about 5km from Takeo Kitakata IC on Nagasaki Expressway. |
公式HP | 武雄市観光協会公式ホームページ |