Today, I would like to introduce the station names that I found interesting at the stations in Shikoku.
- ① 半家(はげ)駅【高知県四万十市】① Hage Station [Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture]
- ② 後免(ごめん)駅【高知県南国市】② Gomen Station [Nankoku City, Kochi Prefecture]
- ③ 大歩危(おおぼけ)駅【徳島県三好市】③ Oboke Station [Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture]
- ④ 海の王迎(おうむかえ)駅【高知県幡多郡黒潮町】④ Umi-no-Omukae Station [Kuroshio-cho, Hata-gun, Kochi Prefecture]
- ⑤ 学(がく)駅【徳島県吉野川市】⑤ Gaku Station [Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima Prefecture]
- ⑥ 鬼無(きなし)駅【香川県高松市】⑥ Kinashi Station [Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture]
- ⑦ オレンジタウン駅【香川県さぬき市】⑦ Orange Town Station [Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture]
- まとめ
① 半家(はげ)駅【高知県四万十市】① Hage Station [Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture]
最初に聞いた時「なんで “はげ” っていう名前なんだろうと思いましたが、歴とした理由があります。
First of all, I would like to introduce “Hage Station” in Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture.
When I first heard it, I wondered why it was called “baldness”, but there is a reason for it.
The origin is that the samurai of the Heike who lost in the Battle of Yashima in the Genpei War (Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture) escaped from Genpei’s pursuit, so when they fell into the mountains of Shikoku, one of the “Taira” was shifted down to “half”. , The theory that it was a half-family is influential.
Even though Shimanto City is quite far from Yashima, Genji’s pursuit who could not go so far is amazing.
And the fallen Heike who escaped so far is also wonderful.
I told you that there is a legend of Heike’s fallen people in the previous “Iyanokazura Bridge” (Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture), but this time Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture is about 200 km away from Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture. is!
Even a hunter who is on the run will not be able to escape to this point (laughs).
In today’s world, many people laugh when they hear this station name, but it seems that the thoughts of the ancestors in this station are stronger than any other station name.
② 後免(ごめん)駅【高知県南国市】② Gomen Station [Nankoku City, Kochi Prefecture]
Sirabeeニュース より引用
Next, I would like to introduce “Gomen Station” in Nankoku City, Kochi Prefecture.
When I first went to Kochi Station on the limited express Nanpu, I was still impressed by the name of the station.
I often use the word “I’m sorry”, which gives me a sense of intimacy (laughs).
It is an interesting origin, but it refers to the land exempted from annual tribute and various roles, and when Nonaka Kenzan of the Tosa domain developed the land in the early Edo period, this land was exempted to gather people. … apparently …
Regarding Chinese characters, it came to be called “Gomen” from “Gomen”, and later became “Gomen”.
Is it a coincidence that the land that was bustling with the privilege of tax exemption from the people at that time is still bustling as a “sanctuary of a rare station name” even after more than 400 years? The more you know, the more interesting history is.
③ 大歩危(おおぼけ)駅【徳島県三好市】③ Oboke Station [Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture]
4travel.jp より引用
The third one I would like to introduce is “Oboke Station” in Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture.
This is also a limited express south wind stop. There are many rare station names on the Dosan Line, including Gomen Station.

There is also Koboke Station, which is one station ahead of Oboke Station in the direction of Okayama.
“Oboke / Koboke” is a valley of about 8km created by the torrent of the Yoshino River that crosses the Shikoku Mountains after 200 million years, and boasts a beautiful landscape.
じゃらんnet 「大歩危・小歩危」 より引用
I introduced “Iyanokazura Bridge” in the previous post, but “Oboke Station” is the closest station to Kazura Bridge. It’s good that the unexplored area + rare station name is a set ~
The origins of Oboke and Koboke are “(1) It was derived from the old word” Hoke “that means a cliff” and “(2) It is dangerous to walk in a stride, so it is dangerous to walk in Oboke / Koboke. There is a theory.
For the author, I think that ② is better.
I think such a fascinating valley is definitely one of the most scenic spots in Japan.
④ 海の王迎(おうむかえ)駅【高知県幡多郡黒潮町】④ Umi-no-Omukae Station [Kuroshio-cho, Hata-gun, Kochi Prefecture]
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』文観開眼『絹本著色後醍醐天皇御像』(清浄光寺蔵、重要文化財)
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』『絵本太平記』剣巻(明治16年(1883年))より尊良親王
Next, I would like to introduce “Umi-no-Ohri Station” on the Tosa Kuroshio Railway Nakamura Line.
When I first saw it, I couldn’t hide my surprise, “What a noble station name!”
The origin of concern is that it was in this area that Prince Takayoshi, the son of Emperor Go-Daigo, was exiled for causing the Genko War during the Kamakura period.
To explain in detail, “The 13 Lords of the Kamakura” is currently being aired in the NHK Taiga drama, but since Minamoto no Yoritomo opened the Kamakura Shogunate, the power of the samurai has become stronger. Some people didn’t like it. That is Emperor Go-Daigo, who is the cause of this turbulence. Emperor Go-Daigo had a strong desire to “perform emperor-centered politics” that had been practiced in Japan since ancient times. There, he rebelled against the Kamakura Shogunate.
However, the turbulence ended in failure, and Emperor Go-Daigo was exiled to Oki (Shimane Prefecture), and was exiled to Tosa on the charge that his son Prince Takayoshi was also involved.
However, after this, Emperor Go-Daigo’s actions set fire to those who were dissatisfied with the Kamakura Shogunate. Succeeded in having the Gokenins who were on the Kamakura Shogunate side, such as Nitta Yoshisada and Ashikaga Takauji, join the anti-Shogunate side and defeat the Kamakura Shogunate.
Then, the “emperor-centered politics” that was the long-cherished wish of Emperor Go-Daigo is temporarily realized.
History has proved that the subsequent results will change by 180 degrees depending on the actions such as the defeat of Emperor Go-Daigo and the “Battle of Ujito” that caused the destruction of the Taira clan. Is the key to success. “

⑤ 学(がく)駅【徳島県吉野川市】⑤ Gaku Station [Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima Prefecture]
The next station to introduce is “Gaku Station” in Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima Prefecture.
This station has a different Chinese character, but since I am named Gaku, I ranked in because the readings are the same.
I haven’t been there yet, so I’d definitely like to go there next time when the corona is settled.
It is the origin of the station name that you are curious about, but it seems that it is written on the explanation board at the entrance of the station building.
駅旅の鉄人(てつじん・てつびと) より引用
It has such an origin. After all, there is a reason why the Chinese character “Gaku” is added.
By the way, this station is very popular with examinees, and the hard ticket admission ticket at Gaku Station has the station name printed at the bottom with the letters “Enter” meaning the admission ticket at the top of the right end, and when read vertically, ” Since it is “admission”, it is popular mainly among examinees. In particular, 5 sheets can mean 5 enrollment = enrollment, so it is very popular during the examination season as a prayer for passing! !! It’s a very auspicious station.
Although Gaku Station is an unmanned station, station staff are working only during the examination season, and you can purchase tickets directly at the station.
トラベルjp より引用
⑥ 鬼無(きなし)駅【香川県高松市】⑥ Kinashi Station [Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture]

Next is “Kinashi Station” in Kinashi Town, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture.
A simple translation would be “no demon”, but what is the origin?
人生気ままB級グルメで♪ より引用
It is the origin of Kinashi, but after Momotaro subdued the demon on Onigashima (also known as Megijima), Momotaro pulled it up to Sanuki, but Momotaro chased after the demon without giving up. It is derived from the fact that it was revenge.
The legend of Momotarou is likely to be derived from “Kinojo Castle in Soja City, Okayama Prefecture” and “Megijima (Onigashima) in Takamatsu City”, and I have been to Megijima called Onigashima. However, in the Onigashima Cave on the island, there was a space where the demons actually lived, and my curiosity was tickled.

You can easily reach Megijima by ferry from Takamatsu Port (near JR Takamatsu Station) in about 20 minutes, so why don’t you try it?
⑦ オレンジタウン駅【香川県さぬき市】⑦ Orange Town Station [Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture]
Lastly, I would like to introduce “Orange Town Station” in Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture.
駅が大好き!misakitty より引用
It’s a station name that you won’t forget once you hear it.
This station was opened with the construction of the housing complex “Orange Town” developed by the JR Shikoku Group “Yontetsu Real Estate”. The origin of Orange Town is the warm climate of Shikoku and the warmth of the color orange. It is said that it was attached with the image of.
It is also the stop for the limited express Uzushio and is the main station on the Kotoku Line.
If we could warm the whole of Shikoku like orange from this station, it would be the desire of the development company.
So far, I have introduced the names of the seven rare stations. How was it?
There are various attractions and history all over Japan, and I think that the place names that remain in the present are like threads that connect the past and the present.
We hope that this blog will continue to introduce the importance of learning place names and the fun of history.
①半家(はげ)駅 Hage Station | 高知県四万十市西土佐半家 (JR予土線) Nishitosahage, Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture (JR Yodo Line) |
②後免(ごめん)駅 Gomen Station | 高知県南国市駅前町2丁目4 (JR土讃線特急・土佐くろしお鉄道 ごめん・なはり線) 2-4 Ekimaecho, Nankoku City, Kochi Prefecture (JR Dosan Line Limited Express, Tosa Kuroshio Railway Sorry, Nahari Line) |
③大歩危(おおぼけ)駅 Oboke Station | 徳島県三好市西祖谷山村徳善西 (JR土讃線特急) Nishiiyayamamura Tokuzen Nishi, Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture (JR Dosan Line Limited Express) |
④海の王迎(うみのおうむかえ)駅 Umi-no-Omukae Station | 高知県幡多郡黒潮町上川口 (土佐くろしお鉄道 中村線・宿毛線) Kamikawaguchi, Kuroshio-cho, Hata-gun, Kochi Prefecture (Tosa Kuroshio Railway Nakamura Line / Yadoge Line) |
⑤学(がく)駅 Gaku Station | 徳島県吉野川市川島町学吉本 (JR徳島線) Yoshimoto, Kawashima-cho, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima Prefecture (JR Tokushima Line) |
⑥鬼無(きなし)駅 Kinashi Station | 香川県高松市鬼無町佐藤 (JR予讃線) Sato, Kinashicho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture (JR Yosan Line) |
⑦オレンジタウン駅 Orange Town Station | 香川県さぬき市志度 (JR高徳線・うずしお) Shido, Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture (JR Kotoku Line, Uzushio) |