Introducing this time is “Hagi Castle”, which became the home of the Choshu clan, which was very active at the end of the Edo period.
The two giants who were active at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, “Choshu Domain (Yamaguchi Prefecture)” and “Satsuma Domain (Kagoshima Prefecture)”,
I would like to explain one of them, “Hagi Castle,” which is the root castle of the “Choshu Domain.”
- 関ヶ原の戦いで敗れた毛利輝元が周防・長門の2カ国へ減封【Terumoto Mori, who lost in the Battle of Sekigahara, was reduced to two countries, Suo and Nagato】
- 日本海に突き出している指月山に築かれた『萩城』【”Hagi Castle” built on Mt. Shizuki, which juts out into the Sea of Japan】
- 歴代の毛利家名君を祀る「志都岐山(しづきやま)神社」【”Shizukiyama Shrine” that enshrines successive Mori clan names】
- まとめ【Summary】
関ヶ原の戦いで敗れた毛利輝元が周防・長門の2カ国へ減封【Terumoto Mori, who lost in the Battle of Sekigahara, was reduced to two countries, Suo and Nagato】
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』絹本着色毛利輝元像(毛利博物館所蔵)
全国 史跡巡りと地形地図より
Time goes back, and in 1600 (Keicho 5th year) at the end of the Warring States period, the “Battle of Sekigahara” that divides the world into two broke out.
The East Army led by Ieyasu Tokugawa, who is in power at the time, and the West Army led by Mitsunari Ishida who wants to maintain the Toyotomi administration at all costs
Clash in Sekigahara, Mino Province (currently Sekigahara Town, Fuwa District, Gifu Prefecture)!
As you know, the eastern army led by Ieyasu Tokugawa closes the curtain with an overwhelming victory, but in fact, the general general of the western army at this time was the main character of this time, “Saigoku’s best! It was “Terumoto”.
Since Mitsunari Ishida was unpopular and unsuitable for the general general, Terumoto Mori, who was one of his※five elders under the Toyotomi administration, was carried by Mori’s diplomatic priest Ankokuji Ekei, and was nominally general. I was a general.
Mori Terumoto is the grandson of Mori Motonari.
※Council of Five Elders: Ieyasu Tokugawa, Toshiie Maeda, Terumoto Mori, Kagekatsu Uesugi, and Hideie Ukita.
Therefore, after the war, Terumoto himself was not involved in the war. From stones, Suo and Nagato (both countries are all over Yamaguchi Prefecture today) will be greatly reduced to 369,000 stones.
※Mori Terumoto had entered Osaka Castle at the time of the Battle of Sekigahara, but since he did not want to have a blade with Ieyasu, after Sansei and others lost in Sekigahara, he made a consensus with Ieyasu on the condition of the relief of the main territory, but later. Ieyasu broke his promise and said that the seal would be reduced.
Therefore, the Mori family who had a difficult life until the end of the Edo period. However, this painful experience was passed on until the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, defeating the long-cherished Tokugawa shogunate.
日本海に突き出している指月山に築かれた『萩城』【”Hagi Castle” built on Mt. Shizuki, which juts out into the Sea of Japan】



The construction of Hagi Castle began in 1604 (Keicho 9), four years after the Battle of Sekigahara.
Terumoto wanted to set up a base in Yamaguchi City on the Sanyo side, where the “Ouchi culture”, where the guardian daimyo Ouchi family, who used to be under the Muromachi Shogunate, had flourished, but there is no point in reducing the number of seals. According to the view of the Tokugawa Shogunate, it was pushed into a remote area, Hagi, on the Sanin side.
Hagi Castle was built at the foot of Mt. Shizuki, so it is also known as “Shizuki Castle”.
The altitude of Mt. Shizuki is 143m. It is a rocky mountain created by a volcano about 100 million years ago and is made of granite.
It is an integrated Hirayama castle that combines Hirajo at the foot of the mountain and Yamashiro at the top of the mountain, and consists of Honmaru, Ninomaru, Sannomaru, and Tsumemaru (Mt. In addition, Honmaru is a place set up to monitor the inside of the castle and the Sea of Japan.
The main castle was built in the style of the early Momoyama period with a 14.5m high five-storied white castle tower.
The earthworks are along the inner moat centering on the castle tower, and there are samurai running and turret pedestal traces.
In addition, white stone is used for the stone wall in Hagi Castle, and this stone is a castle that uses the granite that can be cut out from Mt. Shizuki as it is as a stone wall.
There is a mountain trail to the top of the mountain, and it takes about 20 to 30 minutes on foot. It is a full-scale mountain castle surrounded by stone walls and earthen walls, and there are still traces of water and ponds that I encountered in a water storage facility for drinking and fire extinguishing. In addition, the remains of the quarry remain, and it seems that the process of building the castle can be unraveled from the rock with the arrow hole.
歴代の毛利家名君を祀る「志都岐山(しづきやま)神社」【”Shizukiyama Shrine” that enshrines successive Mori clan names】



At the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, the Choshu clan was the catalyst for transforming Japan from a samurai to a nation centered on the emperor.
Hagi Castle was the home of the Choshu clan for 250 years.
The great men from the Choshu clan born by Hagi (Shoin Yoshida, Hirobumi Ito, Genzui Kusaka, etc.) will later change the way Japan is and make it a strong country alongside the world’s great powers.
There is no doubt that this place called “Hagi” is inseparable when talking about the history of Japan.
Why don’t you feel the feelings of our ancestors at Hagi Castle, the origin of the Choshu clan?
