“直(地黄)八幡”と謳われた武将・北条綱成[Hojo Tsunashige, a military commander who was touted as “Jikihachiman”]



父は福島正成(くしま まさしげ)で、今川家の後継争いである「花倉の乱」で玄広恵探(げんこうえたん)を担ぎ上げて討たれた人物として有名です。

それからの活躍は目覚ましく、「勝山記(妙法寺記)」の天文4年(1535年)8月22日記事によると武田信虎が駿河・今川氏輝と甲斐国・河内領にて激突した際に、綱成は武田信虎の実弟である勝沼信友(かつぬま のぶとも)を討ったと言われています。





This time, we would like to introduce Hojo Tsunashige, the warlord of the Gohojo family.
He served from the 2nd generation Hojo Ujitsuna to the 5th generation Ujinao, and was a great success as Hojo’s “hero”.

Tsunari was born in the 12th year of Eisho (1515).
His father is Masanari kushima, who is famous for being the person who carried and defeated Genko Etan in the “Hanakura Ran”, the successor to the Imagawa clan.
The Hanakura Ran is a battle in which Imagawa Ujiteru and Imagawa Hikogoro were poisoned by their vassals, and the remaining sons, Yoshimoto Imagawa and Genko Etan, fought for their successors.

Tsunashige is said to have been protected by Ujitsuna because he lost his father in the Hanakura turbulence.
Since then, his success has been remarkable, and according to the article on August 22, 1535, in “Katsuyamaki (Myohojiki)”, when Nobutora Takeda collided with Suruga and Imagawa Ujiteru in Kai Province and Kawachi territory. Tsunashige is said to have defeated Nobutora Katsunuma, the younger brother of Nobutora Takeda.

Also, in the Kawagoe night battle surrounded by a total of 80,000 troops of Ogigayatsu Uesugi, Yamanouchi Uesugi, and Koga Kubo, Tsunashige did not frighten the large troops in front of him, and when Ujiyasu’s troops arrived as reinforcements, he “winned! “I won !!”, jumping out of the castle and rushing into the enemy’s camp to retreat Mr. Haruuji Ashikaga, the Koga Kubo army.

In the Battle of Mimasu Pass (Aikawa-cho, Aiko-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture) with Shingen Takeda in Eiroku 12 (1569), the gun corps under the command of Tsunashige killed Takeda’s left-wing general, Nobutane Asari.

Tsunashige was famous as Jikihachiman Daibosatsu, but died of illness in 1587.
If Tsunashige had lived a little longer, Hideyoshi Toyotomi might not have conquered Odawara, and even in front of the large army of Toyotomi, who was said to be 200,000, he said, “I won emperor’s chief army! You may have heard a scream, “That !!!” …
