巨大な岩が猿にそっくり!!【A huge rock looks just like a monkey!!】

This time, I would like to introduce the tourist attraction “Saruiwa” in Iki City, Nagasaki Prefecture.
This “Saruiwa” is a symbol that represents Iki and is visited by many tourists every year.
Located at the tip of the Kurosaki Peninsula, it is a coastal erosion basalt with a height of 45m.
Let’s expand it a little more.
※Sea erosion cliff: A cliff where the protrusion of the land approaching the coast is steep due to severe erosion of waves.
「実りの島、壱岐」 壱岐観光ナビ
It’s like a monkey!! Rather, it’s closer to a gorilla, isn’t it? (Lol)
Even so, it’s amazing that this strange rock wasn’t modified by anyone, but was created by nature!
In addition, it is a spot where you can see the beautiful sunset, and was selected as one of the “100 Views of Strange Rocks in Japan” in 2015.
「実りの島、壱岐」 壱岐観光ナビ
This is really beautiful!! The combination with the setting sun is wonderful.
I went there in the morning, so I couldn’t see it, but the next time I go to Iki, I’ll go in the evening.
It looks like you’re smoking a cigarette, andthis is “nature.”
壱岐の誕生神話にも登場する『猿岩』【”Saruiwa” that appears in the myth of the birth of Iki】
Since ancient times, Iki has been an important base connecting Japan with the Korean Peninsula and China, and has been a very historical place. Therefore, “Tsukiyomi Shrine”, which is the oldest shrine in Japan and the birthplace of Shinto, is also enshrined.

According to the myth of the birth of Iki Island, “Since Iki’s country is a living island, eight pillars were erected and connected so that the god would not be washed away. It is said that (Orebashira) … “, and one of these eight pillars is this monkey rock. On the folded pillar of Iki, there is Sakyobana, which is famous as a scenic spot.
“Ori pillar” is an interesting content, but if you can decipher the myth of Iki, you will be able to see the true picture of ancient Japan, so as a history enthusiast, I would like to continue my research.
The history of Iki is very deep, so I would like to dig deeper into the history of Iki in another session.
Finally, I would like to introduce some trivia about Iki.
Iki’s address is like “Iki City Ashibecho Moroyoshi HonmuraFure” or “Iki City Katsumotocho Katsumoto Ura”.
“Fure” or “Ura” is always added to the end of the place name.
“Fure” mainly indicates a village in a rural area, and “Ura” mainly indicates a village in a fishing village area.
If you are thinking of going to Iki next time, paying attention to the place names like this may be one of the ways to enjoy your trip. I hope you find this blog useful.
How amazing‼︎
To Daifuku-sama
Thank you for sending us your message.
It’s really beautiful. Please take a look when you have time
正義ね味方は桃太郎でなく、鬼だった。を興味深く読んだ。小生は土佐の片田舎の育ちで小学校へあがるまでは、節分の時期ぬると簑(みの)米藁で造った防寒具(雨ガッパ)を着て鬼の面をかぶった男連中が 泣く子はいないか! と怒鳴って家に入って来る。家のものは酒や食べ物を用意して待っているが子供は親の後ろに隠れて息を潜めているが見つかると大変だった。怖くて怖くて堪らなかった。いつのまにやらそんな風習はなくなったが怖かった。
秋田男鹿地方には なまはげ 現在健在らしい。
ゆっこかっこ さま